We will not forget you, or the hurts of those you left behind.
I am not resigned to the shutting away of loving hearts in the hard ground.
So it is, and so it will be, for so it has been, time out of mind:
Into the darkness they go, the wise and the lovely.
Crowned with lilies and with laurel they go; but I am not resigned.
Lovers and thinkers, into the earth with you.
Be one with the dull, the indiscriminate dust.
A fragment of what you felt, of what you knew,
A formula, a phrase remains, but the best is lost.
The answers quick & keen, the honest look, the laughter, the love,
They are gone. They have gone to feed the roses. Elegant and curled
Is the blossom. Fragrant is the blossom. I know. But I do not approve.
More precious was the light in your eyes than all the roses in the world.
Down, down, down into the darkness of the grave.
Gently they go, the beautiful, the tender, the kind;
Quietly they go, the intelligent, the witty, the brave.
I know. But I do not approve. And I am not resigned.
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Peace, brave men and women of Ft. Hood, TX
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I swear I'm not trying to turn this into a political blog, but HONESTLY. I swear some of these people are just too stupid to talk. I spend a fair bit of time on cspan watching these folks in action, and researching info on the net because what is happening now politically is very important to me. Big stuff going on. And, I happen to have the time available to do that. Plus, I'm conscious - which is a fact some politicians seem to be betting against. For instance, this one:
I could not BELIEVE this guy had the stones to actually say this to his own constituents at his town meeting. Does he really think they're so dis-interested that they're not paying any attention at all?
(edit: I found a much better vid of the same gentleman, but it does look more like a political tool to me - an accurate tool, but a tool nonetheless. It is here:
I've never heard of this guy, but I think keeping track of him from here on out is pointless. But then again, who knows. Maybe he's our next Barney Frank, too (yayyyyy). Or Waxman. Who btw looks a lot like a vampire bat when the sunlight hits him just right:
But I digress.
I have listened to several proponents of this plan on tv saying things like 'we did NOT rush this bill, we have been debating this subject for the last two years' , or in one case 'the last 59 years'. Really? You have?
Following that line of logic - if you've been working on this for the last two years, and this gem was the cumulative result - why are we still paying you?
Let's imagine we're the CEO's of a business, and we asked our management to outline o lets say a health care plan, because we really, really need one. It takes them two years - or alternatively it takes them until a few weeks before the deadline to really get started on it. It happens, folks. But when they show up at the last meeting, the plan they present blows our business all to hell. And several smaller ones in the neighborhood. It would put us another $750,000,000.00 dollars into the red fairly quickly, and about a(nother) trillion down the road. Give or take, but who's counting. And worst of all, it doesn't address several systemic problems with our current plan.
But it's just the very, very best of the best of the best they could do.
Do we, as CEO's of our company, give them a pat on the back and say O Good WORK boys your efforts are WELL worth what we pay you!
Or do we, as CEO's of our company, begin thinking we might need some new talent?
Are you sure that's the argument you want to make in your defense?
Really, lol?
Monday, July 13, 2009
words of wisdom
'I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the
government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.'
Thomas Jefferson
'My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.'
Thomas Jefferson
Friday, June 26, 2009
And true to form
Waxman added another 300 pages to the bill, at 3AM this morning. Shocking. Just as there were another 300 pages added AFTER being submitted and read by the various commissions earlier this week.
It's at about 1500 pages now. I *believe* that means that almost no-one who has seen this bill, or is about to vote on this bill, has actually read the bill. Again.
I read somewhere fairly recently the bill responsible for putting highways and byways down, across our entire country, was only 9 pages long. Interesting, no?
Here's an excerpt from Bruce Josten's letter to the House
(Executive Vice President Government Affairs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce)
Despite opposition to this specific bill as currently crafted, the Chamber strongly supports comprehensive legislation to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases while providing for a strong American economy. The Chamber also supports negotiation of a global accord to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases as the best approach to tackling this global issue. The Chamber applauds the Obama administration for working toward a new international agreement.
The Chamber believes that domestic legislation should:
•Balance environmental objectives with the need for economic growth and job creation;
•Promote technology development and deployment;
•Reduce barriers to the development of climate-friendly energy sources;
•Promote energy efficiency; and
•Implement appropriate steps to address the international nature of global emissions.
(ok - I'm all for that)
H.R. 2454 would not achieve these goals. Specifically, the Chamber believes H.R. 2454 must be modified to take into account several important considerations:
•Carbon-based fuels are and will remain for decades to come the backbone of the U.S. energy system. H.R. 2454 must do a better job of ensuring that cost effective and reliable renewable and alternative energy sources are developed and deployed to smooth a transition to a low-carbon energy future. The Chamber recommends adding a provision that would streamline the siting and permitting process that would help eliminate the “green tape” that now delays energy projects, even renewable ones.
•International cooperation remains a major stumbling block to addressing global climate change. H.R. 2454 must be conditional on an international treaty that sets binding commitments for all major emitters - from both the developed and developing world - while ensuring that every nation retains the flexibility to attain those commitments however it chooses. Unconditional domestic legislation without an international agreement will remove any leverage U.S. negotiators have in international climate change negotiations, and would put domestic industries at a competitive disadvantage.
•It is expected that the Ways and Means Committee manager’s amendment to H.R. 2454 will include tariffs on carbon-intensive imports. Such provisions should be rejected because they would likely be deemed to violate U.S. obligations as a member of the World Trade Organization and could spark a trade war...
•Dangerous provisions in H.R. 2454 that could lead to widespread lawsuit abuse should be removed or mitigated...
•This legislation must equitably allocate credits to the refinery sector. Oil refineries bear a compliance obligation under H.R. 2454 for more than 40 percent of covered CO2 emissions - refiners’ own emissions plus the emissions generated when the fuels they refined are eventually burned by consumers - yet would receive only 2.25 percent of the allocations...
•The renewable electricity standard (RES), along with many of the other mandates in the bill, will add costs and distort the workings of the carbon market the bill would establish. If the objective is to allow the market to work to find the lowest cost solutions, picking technology winners and losers like this bill does is not the way to go about it...
•The bill should include nuclear energy as an "other qualifying energy resource" in the RES. There is no good reason for keeping nuclear energy, an emissions-free energy source, out of the RES...
•H.R. 2454 must be revised to fully and permanently protect America’s 27 million small businesses from being forced to comply with costly, burdensome New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for greenhouse gases...
•The legislation must fully and permanently preempt state and regional greenhouse gas programs. Delaying these programs for five years accomplishes very little...
•This bill will clearly have a cost, and while free allocations may keep some prices down, others will skyrocket. A May 2009 study released by the National Black Chamber of Commerce estimates annual drops in gross domestic product (GDP) of $170 billion in 2015, $350 billion in 2030, and $730 billion in 2050. More troubling is the effect on jobs, as the study concludes that 2.3 million to 3 million net jobs will be lost - a figure that accounts for all the "green" jobs created. Provisions should therefore be included in H.R. 2454 to safeguard against devastating economic losses...
•The derivatives provisions in H.R. 2454, which as written would hinder the ability of companies to use over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives to manage risks associated with day-to-day operations, should be removed...
•Remove Section 356 of Subtitle E which would impose a user fee on transactions cleared through derivatives clearing organizations (DCO). This transaction tax would adversely impact liquidity on U.S. futures exchanges, because it would fall disproportionately upon the market makers who provide liquidity to the exchanges through the frequency and speed of their transactions...
•Remove provisions in H.R. 2454 applying the Davis-Bacon Act, a law that in no way furthers the United States’ ability to reduce climate emissions, and would result in diminished competition, shutting out many qualified minority, small, and non-union businesses from the entire market...
...The Chamber remains committed to working with Congress to achieve meaningful climate change legislation that provides a stable and growing economy, and promotes the development of needed new sources of energy and technologies across a range of industries.
Contact your Reps here:http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Talking Out Loud
Senators Murray and Cantwell,
At a cost of an estimated $10 trillion dollars by 2035, the Waxman-Markey Bill will impact every taxpayer in higher utility bills, the cost of food and clothing, rising gas costs, and loss of employment. For most of us the cost of living is a very real expense, and makes a very real impact on our household budgets. We, by the way, are forced to cope within those budgets. They are finite and we cannot ‘invent’ a new source of income to magically balance them. This is the biggest tax increase I’ve ever seen in my lifetime, and the fact that it comes with such incredible job loss is appalling. Every industry in America depends on energy, and every one of those higher costs will be passed on to the consumer. We know that. Simply denying that the laws of economics exist is not a real argument, and the CBO’s ‘snapshot’ of only the early years of the costs of this bill is really just a half-truth – or a lie - in support of the bill, isn’t it. The really big hit comes down the road during years the recent assessment by the CBO doesn’t bother to recognize , and during years I might add that many more of us will be retired and even less able to afford it.
On page 781 of this bill, taxpayers are ‘volunteered’ to finance those job losses with unemployment benefits, and then again to finance schooling in governmentally specified 'green jobs'. Estimates on those job losses are up to 1,450,000 in some reports and this is in addition to the hardship we’ll already be suffering. What else is in this bill, that by Friday will have more last minute amendments added to its 1000+ pages that no one reads? More RAT boards? More laws circumvented or put into place without our knowledge – or our vote? More of our money dedicated to support more special interest groups and campaign contributors? Anybody bother to read it this time, or do you think we just don’t care? Or is it that we just don’t count? I care. And I can count. And I expect you to do the same thing.
Transparency ‘after it’s been spent’, ‘eventually’, or whenever it’s more expedient and or is just too late is not transparency. It’s duplicity. I know the difference, and I’m not alone in that.
Any positive impact is more than offset by the tremendous costs that will again fall on American taxpayers to absorb. The cost of converting to these ‘green energy’ sources is enormous – Congress should devote their energies to cutting down THOSE costs, and stop assuming we’d just love to pay for another half-baked plan that essentially takes more money away from our families, kneecaps American business and industry, and effectively passes every one of those costs right back to me.
All of the above will have a significant impact on our GDP – it’s unavoidable. While We the People (or ‘taxpayers’, as we’re so often referred to) attempt to compensate for rising costs by using less and less energy and buying fewer and fewer products – production of those same products will inevitably decline. The cost of providing those supplies will increase, because there has not been sufficient effort put into making green energy cost effective, or even accessing our own fuel instead of importing it. It’s put off over and over and over again. Meanwhile, We the People continue to subsidize other countries that use the money for - what? Good works and charity? Hardly. Drill here and do it faster , thank you.
Supply and demand is a fact, not a myth. 'Pay-Go' is the myth. Our businesses will have to leave, or fold, or pass on the cost - our farmers will suffer, and we will become more dependent on outside sources for those same supplies instead of supporting our own. Don’t deny the reality, because the rest of us aren’t going to. We won’t be able to. We will come face to face with it every time we turn on a light, get in the car, make a purchase, or cancel a vacation. Airlines, automobiles, food, light – come on. Stop denying reality and face facts.
Will there be penalties and taxes imposed on product imported from other countries as well, or is just America’s businesses and taxpayers that will be penalized? Of course not. Do the right thing, the harder thing, and put some effort into research that will decrease the costs of ‘going green’. Make it financially feasible for our business and industry, and make this affordable for America. I’d love to be green, I really would – but I am disgusted by the lack of any intelligent effort put into doing so. Stop assuming you can just take more of our money because it’s just so much easier. Let’s remember that our politicians are supposed to represent the People and their interests. Not the special interest groups, not the biggest campaign contributors – the People. Protect OUR future. Stop treating the taxpayers like an inexhaustible line of credit. We are NOT the government’s personal bank.
I can’t for the life of me come up with one good reason why I should have to even make that point, can you?
Perhaps you’ve heard of the recent tragedy on Wall Street? Or possibly the recession? The People are reeling: they’ve suffered huge monetary losses it’s taken them years to accumulate, they’re losing jobs and income, businesses and homes, funding for schools and parks and community services. Virtually every state is operating in deficit, with the exception of four or five. Yet amazingly, the worker bees in DC are busily figuring out how to spend more money they don’t have, and raise taxes to finance it via a country already in pain. Health care benefits and charitable donation’s, cost of living increases and penalties for our businesses. What the hell are you thinking? Why aren’t you screaming ‘NO, this does harm to the People I represent’? Who do you represent? Is it us? It can’t be – if it were and our interests and needs were being put first, I don’t think we’d be in the tragic state we’re in. We got here because someone else is being represented. The new ‘big business’ of special interest leaps to mind. I’m just dying to know why ACORN gets a cut out of every escrow deal – which bill did that get snuck into, out of curiousity? You remember the Fair Housing Act, and what a whopping success that was too, right? Was that the one?
My community will be watching the votes on this bill, and all the bills to come. We’ll be keeping an eye on the Census Bureau as well. I find myself very interested in this new intrusion, and the DOJ’s changes to our state election laws on the basis that requiring a social security number is somehow ‘discriminatory’, and the countless other defilements I see being put in place. We’re feeling pretty motivated to pay attention, as we have been most lax. We are angry, Senators. And we are hurt. We’re being abused. We’d be most appreciative of your representation, and your efforts to stop our country being destroyed from the inside. Or we will obviously find someone that will. We can climb our rooftops in the night, too. And I most certainly will.
Kim Veldt
Long , isn't it. I had a lot to say. They'd better listen up too, because I meant every word and I'm not done yet. Check this out:
Pronunciation:\du̇-ˈpli-sə-tē also dyu̇-\
Inflected Form(s):plural du·plic·i·ties
Etymology:Middle English duplicite, from Middle French, from Late Latin duplicitat-, duplicitas, from Latin duplex
Date:15th century
1: contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action ; especially : the belying of one's true intentions by deceptive words or action
2: the quality or state of being double or twofold
3: the technically incorrect use of two or more distinct items (as claims, charges, or defenses) in a single legal action
Is there anyone out there who thinks the Fair Housing Act was a stellar decision? Who gifted us with that idiocy? The Carter administration. It took years - but it caught up in the end, just like the Waxman bill will. It not only hurt the folks it was designed to help, it damn near took the whole country out. You NEED to pay attention and start fighting for your country. What is it going to take? We're BANKRUPT , people - what the hell is wrong with our government? The solution is raise our taxes some more so they can keep on spending? Really? Are you going to suck that up too?
We have been so incredibly complacent it's criminal. We did not watch, and when we did manage to surface from our own immediate concerns we gave them permission - saying 'well - we knew they were lying the minute they opened their mouths , right? What else is new?' This is on us, and we've created a cannibal.
Get your blog on , ladies. You know who you are, I've spoken with so many of you. Pay attention and start making your voice heard in DC before you're too broken to cry anymore and of no consequence anyway. Insist on being a vote that matters. Communicate your concerns and anger too. TALK OUT LOUD. If you do NOT do that , and continue in apathy and silence - there will be no change. You'll disappear along with your country and the right and privileges you take for granted. It MATTERS, girls. Stop relying on people to make decisions on your behalf that so obviously don't care, or just aren't bright enough to do the job. You can't afford to be lazy and not take responsibility. You must have noticed by now that does us no favors.
There's an old saying that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and there are people are using that to their advantage. And our elected politicians are the ones enabling them. It's not that they don't have the time to read the bill's , it's really that they just don't care. What we don't know won't hurt them , right? Ask yourselves what they get in return, and then ask yourself why you would vote them back in for more of this crap.
You put them in and you can take them out. Do it. I swear to God I will. I fully expect to have to do it more than once because they're pretty optimistic. And they have every right to be, all things considered. But that's MY kid's future on the line as well as what's left of mine, and I want him to grow up in the same country I once had. I will NOT have it. I will NOT. It's glaringly obvious that we have not demanded nearly enough of our representatives , and by not doing so failed ourselves and our children miserably. I'll be continuing to talk out loud and long in many more letters to my reps.
Stop watching the endless coverage on Senator Sanford, and Perez, and Ed, and Iran and Farrah and Michael and start actively looking for the really important things that are happening right now, right here. Spend the time online - and it does take time. I cried for the mothers in Iran. I wish their children had fought smarter instead of dying in the streets for their vote. But we must pay attention at home. Cry for your own vote. Or your own lack of a voice.
If you'd like to locate your representatives , and I hope you do , look them up here: http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Lovely Blogs to see
I would like to thank Dee and Jill for choosing me for the Lovely Blog Award. I enjoyed getting to know the various sites I was unfamiliar with on both of their lists , and hope some of you enjoy meeting my friends and favorite blogs in this one! There's quite a variety here to choose from and I'm sure you'll find a few you need to keep up with too!
These are the rules:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
And these are my choices:
2.Before the Stroke of Midnight
3.Cynthia Couch Art
4.It's All Good
5.Caryl's Realm
6.Just Giddy
7.Marveilles en Papier
8.Little Robot
9.Robin and the Sage
10.Colourful Adventures
11.A Vintage Heart
12.Land of Nod Studio's
13.Art Beckons
15.Little Bluebird Diaries
16.Tales From the Waiting Room
The last one is the Special Bonus Round Blog - it belongs to my sister-in-law , and her blog is a great read if you haven't visited yet. I may be partial , but I'd never lie! Susan's a blast. She just got tattooed in Tijauna you know. Crazy Christians , I tell ya. . .
Monday, June 15, 2009
Just a simple girl...
I wanted to keep her simple this time and see how I liked that look - all in all , I'm pretty satisfied. I love these dolls so much , I forgive them things that ordinarily would make me insane lol. I do not love how stick thin she is , for instance. I think I might enjoy a curvier girl:
Unfortunately I didn't know that when I wrapped her up , but o well. I did stick to my guns and kept her simple , and I shall love her forever. This one is mine , mom!
Mom's 'angel' was a hit , by the way - her face lit up when she saw her and that made me very happy. When mama's happy. . .well , let's just say it's better than being asked why I'm giving her a head on a stick , lol. Wouldn't that have been awkward...
Monday, June 1, 2009
Excuse me please , but may I toot my own horn for just a minute?
Well would you look at that! So that's what my name looks like in print , lol. . .
I want to thank Cindy , Sherre and Stephanie so much for inviting me to be a part of this book! These women have put a lot of time and effort into this over the last year , and are finally seeing their efforts come to fruition in the next month - a huge Congratulations to YOU , ladies!
This was an unexpected and wonderful opportunity for me , and I'm looking forward to seeing all the designs contributed by all of the talented women involved. None of us have seen the pieces any of the others submitted - it will be so much fun to snoop around when I receive my copy , lol!
If all goes well it should be available July 1st , and will be filled with lots of inspiration for those of us who enjoy creating jewelry. And not just inspiration - the authors have included basic lessons on the mechanics of creating a piece , along with specific directions for each design and a supply list that will include the vendor's when possible. That ought to make life a little easier , don't you think? Trust me when I say this - it will , lol.
I hope you enjoy the book and I'm going to end with two little words I've never said (to you) out loud before:
Friday, May 22, 2009
An angel for me , this time. .
And the photo that didn't quite make it:
Yes , the day baby Jesus went cross-eyed - I was there.
It has not been a stellar picture-taking day , since neither my light or my camera are cooperating with me. But I hope you guys have a great Memorial Day weekend , and I'll take another stab at loading some more photo's for you later!
p.s. I discovered a slightly better shot and replaced the first - it's still not great , but it's definitely not as blurry. Don't you just love that focal? I do , and I can say that because I got it from Etsy , lol. I loved that thing and just had to have it. And eventually , I even made a necklace for it. Twice , if anyone's counting. (the first one just didn't do it for me).
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Some days really are better than others. . .
Pretty , no? I thought I'd post some pics today of what I've been working on , and I swear I meant to include some finished bits when I say that but AGAIN my camera battery died - are they that bad , do you think? I have some other vintage beads I've discovered , but that little bronze string of English rough-cuts is the only one I haven't gotten around to un-stringing yet. I loved them , though. There are some downright gorgeous beads buried in this pile you can't even see - I should have photo'd fewer , but c'est la vie.
This laid back guy will be keeping me company while I put these away:
People who think cats are graceful , neat and clean just haven't had cats. He's just a step to the left of some guy watching football in his underwear , isn't he?
Maybe that's why my camera won't come out and play anymore , lol.
Well I'm going to either put these away or take a nap , and I'm kind of leaning towards the nap. I am a very sleepy girl today , for no good reason. Slept like a rock last night but staying vertical today has been challenging!
yeah , I think it's going to be a nap. . .*yawn*.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
And the House gets A(nother) Raise. . .
While our President has asked for a sweeping one (1) million dollars to be ruthlessly shaved from the entirety of the Federal offices budget , and for .00027% of 'real money' cuts out of the 3.4 trillion dollar budget - in all things , there must be balance.
The House has requested a $90 million - that would be 15% - increase in the House budgets , because it's an 'election year'.
Read all about that here. It's quite interesting.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
a tiny treasure to share. . .
mmmm , brand new bébé toes! just a hint of more to come. . . may I introduce my newest niece , Sophia Grace - isn't she beautiful?! you have Tim and Jenni to thank for providing this adorable thing for our viewing enjoyment on April 8 - she arrived weighing a whopping 6lbs. and 11 ounces , and she's all of 20 inches long.
do you remember how tiny your baby seemed when first placed in your arms? all the clothes you brought that seemed like they might really be for a doll - but then your baby fell into a leg and completely disappeared , lol?
I know Sophie's in good hands , but can't help wishing all of them were mine , *s*. Of course if they were , all photo's of our new baby girl would have been hidden behind my lips all over baby girl's little self lol.
She's beautiful , Jen - give her my love , and Tim and Naomi too.
Then go take a nap :)
And then after that send more pictures :)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Well. . .hmn.
My blog is at last lighter and brighter , but there's still some sprucing up to do. Plus it does that neat scrolly thing down the middle now - I have no idea why since all I changed was the background , but hey - Cool!
If anyone's looking for a quick and easy blog makeover , head to Banner of Blessings. She's got some of the cutest banners and provides links to other sites and information too , all fo' free! I got my new background from The Background Fairy , which I found there as well. I'm adding both links to the sidebar on the right so we can find them again!
Eventually I'd like to create my own banner and background , but today was again - not that day. It may never be that day at the rate I'm going , but a girl can dream...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Ron & Joanna Pierrotti
need some help. Ron's MRI results came back showing a massive brain tumor , and he requires immediate surgery. Unfortunately Ron like many others was laid off by his employers months ago and they no longer have an income , let alone insurance. Both Ron and Jo have had many medical struggles in recent years , Ron with previous brain tumors and Joanna with breast cancer. In this case if Ron doesn't get surgery within the month , he will die.
To read and understand more of the story , visit Joanna's Art Journal
If you're able to make a donation of any amount , I know both Jo and Ron would be enormously grateful. Clicking on the title of this post will take you to site created especially for them by friends hoping to help them through this. If you can't donate now , remember you can come back a bit later when you do feel able. The medical bills will be rolling in for quite some time.
On behalf of Ron & Jo - thank you , and God bless.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I just wanted to give a shout out to my fellow Angry Americans participating in a nationwide Tea Party today - we support you ONE HUNDRED PERCENT.
I recently received a communication from one of my credit card holders , inquiring as to whether I'd like to pay an escalated APR of 11% because of 'changes in our business practices'. I can refuse and remain at 5% - or at least that's what the letter says - but if I do that , I will not be able to actually use the card. If I use it , the APR will immediately re-set at the 11% rate. So correct me if I'm wrong here - but didn't my taxpayer dollar just bail your lame a$$ out? And correct me again if necessary , but - aren't you now asking me to pay back the debt you showed up with BELLS on to ask for? What do YOU think my answer's going to be , stupid?
I do not appreciate condescending speeches about how I need to 'tighten my belt' and 'learn to live within my means' while entire corporations that have never heard that particular gem of wisdom are bailed out on my dime. I already do that , because if I didn't do that I'd lose my power , or lose my car , or lose my home. We manage to pay all our bills , buy the clothes for the kids that keep growing , keep the cats fed and pay for the food that has become darn near a luxury item , and by that point my belt is plenty tight enough , thank you. I've actually got some familiarity with what it's like to live within a budget - ya know why? Because I actually do it , day in and day out. We don't have a large fancy house that we can't afford - we have a house that's a little small for us , that we own. Round of applause , please. Nevertheless , we will be helping all those who did choose to buy more house than they could afford pay for the privilege of living someplace we *can't*. Sweeeeeet.
I'm sick and tired of paying the price for failure's that weren't mine - failure of our government in enacting asinine feel-good legislation 10 years ago that we're paying for now , failure to read the fine print on your own mortgage , bail-outs we'll be paying for the rest of our lives and our children's too , failure of corporations to run their own companies in a sensible manner , and the failure of our elected officials to love their own country enough to safegaurd the principles we were founded on. I'm angry , and I've been angry for a very long time.
And we are paying the price - we're paying with higher food costs , higher interest rates , loss of pay from the company that can't afford to pay more than X amount of hours a week , or can't afford to offer health insurance anymore. Or maybe they just can't afford to pay you , period. Done. We are all paying the price , but most of us didn't have much left to give , and not all of us get to vote on giving ourselves a hefty little raise to tide us over for - what , again? A job well done , was it?
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Wishing all a Joyous Easter
Thought I'd share one of my older chalkware pieces. Chalkware is made by pouring plaster into molds , and then painting the casting. This was made several years ago from a particularly sweet Anton Reiche chocolate mold. I collected antique chocolate molds for many years , and this has always been one of my favorites , *s*. It's hard to see I think , but the shell has been sugared with my favorite clear glass glitter.
Have a Happy Easter!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
flowers in the rain
The afternoon I spent creating this set was the most peaceful I’ve had in a very long time. The rain and wind were beating against the windows, but inside I was warm and dry with the music playing quietly in the background. Have you ever felt like your day took a little step to the left of reality? That’s how I felt – a bit surreal, daydreaming an afternoon away while another spring shower blew by.
When I look at this set, I see a tiny garden of pink buds and green leaves behind an old iron gate, and hear the rain scattering drops that reflect back all the colors around them. It evokes that feeling of separation I had that afternoon , and reminds me to find that place more often. And I will try to *s*.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
A spring bracelet for my sister Susan , a glass artist who lives north of me in Bothell. She also holds a full time job in the pharmaceutical dep't. at Evergreen Hospital , where I had my son. This one incorporates moonstone , aventurine , lavender jade and keshi pearls.
She'd returned one to me a month or so ago that was too small , and had wanted it re-sized - I took a bit of artistic license , and re-made the whole thing , *s*. I hope she likes it , lol.
Surprise , sister mine :)
luv you , and see you soon
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Thought I'd share a few glimpses of something I've been working on , and a peek at a few goodies that came in the mail from a friend recently. Thank you , Lesley! I'm looking forward to using the drops soon , and yes I *really do* like my little saucer. I love those things - candles , soaps , trinkets , bead containment while I'm working - they're always being used somewhere.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Mystery of Life revealed - more or less. . .
This is a conversation between my son Brady and his friend Degan - not quite sure if that's the way Degan's name is normally spelled , but for our purposes , it will do.
Brady asked "You don't believe in God?"
"No , I think God's fake." Degan informed him.
"Well , where do you think we come from then?"
"We came from mice" opined young Degan.
(Brady's mother starts to grin)
"So you think people came from MICE?' Brady asks , somewhat startled. It was obviously a theory he hadn't considered before.
"No , the mice had gorilla's and then they had humans" , Degan informs him.
(Brady's mom lights a mental candle for all the mice that ended so abruptly , sacrificing selflessly for the Cause)
"Well where did the mice come from then?" Brady asks.
"No one knows. . ." says Degan , very mysteriously.
And then they went to play basketball.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
March 1st , and at LAST I’ve worked out!
Yes Yes YES! I used to be so good about working out , but that part of my daily routine slipped off to the sidelines the more involved I got with Yahoo and art. I think it's difficult for me to have more than one big passion at a time , if that makes any sense to anyone other than myself. Don't get me wrong , I have tried several times to get back into the routine but have been sidelined repeatedly - I get sick , I hurt myself , the kid or the husband is home from work or school for days because of snow - yadda yadda. Building the habit is the hardest part , and I just haven't managed to do it. But my goal for a while now has been finding my way back to Balance in my life and my home. I want it all back , cuz mama ain't happy. Mama's butt is taking up way too much room in her jeans , too. If fat floats , there's a good chance I'd still drown cuz my face is not where I keep it - so take a minute and picture that , if you like.
Yeah , it's not working for me either lol. So , I've whipped out the step and my weights and I'm on it. I still like doing step - I don't care what anybody says , it works well for me and I enjoy my routines. And I like weight training too , and since I'm not aiming for huge muscles or a lifting championship I have zero interest in going to a club to use the machines. You know , the only machine I ever thought was really handy was the calf machine , and I do like the cables for rows. But that's it.
Anyway , it's already 9am , so I'd better get moving and get this done. No matter how ingrained the habit has become , I've NEVER liked the 'getting ready and starting' portion of this lol (whine , whine , whine - o yes I do). Once I'm there I'm ok - making snarky comments to the tv maybe , but I enjoy that *g* - it keeps me entertained.
Stray thought: Who ARE these people that are 'invigorated and refreshed' after a good workout? Wth? I just don't think they're doing it right myself. I'm wet & sweaty , I look like complete crap (you'll notice there are NO PICTURES with this post - you can all thank me later)and I'm ready to sit down for a few minutes , lol. I am not 'invigorated' - I'm Tired. I want a bath. Now.
Nor have I ever once taken off the motorcycle helmet and shaken my perfect hair down around my shoulders. I don't know what's in those helmets , but it's *not* shampoo and a blow dryer.
Someday I'm going to write a 'Things that make you go - Huh?' post.
Friday, February 27, 2009
An angel to watch over her...
Just finished this doll , and am thinking I will give her to my mom. I think she might like her - you never know with these crazy non-mixed-media people , lol. Sometimes she does , others all I get is 'that girl must have had a lot of spare time on her hands' , which is mom-code for 'Euw'.
I learned how to create her from the lovely Joanna of Moss Hill Studio , who has created as many of these as I hope to , lol. I'm sort of finishing off this post - I'd started it the other night , got interrupted and hit 'publish' intead of 'save' accidently , which I didn't even notice until this morning - so it goes.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I'd like to thank two friends , Lori and Val , who have nominated my blog for this award , and I thought I'd pass it along today. The award is for attitude and gratitude , and I've got a couple of bloggers in mind for it :). I always love a blogger with 'tude , lol.
Here are the rules:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
My awards go to my SIL Susan , Jamie , Inka and Linda. You all deserve this award in my opinion , as you've all got Great 'Tude and I love it , lol.
Friday, February 6, 2009
How do you bear the unbearable? My heart aches for Becky , someone I've never met or even heard of prior to Lori's post yesterday. Yesterday , Becky lost her oldest boy Jordan. This sort of tragedy is something every parent guards so fiercely against and lives in fear of - it terrifies me.
If you can find the words , please stop by and offer what comfort you can. The thought of facing what she and her family are facing right now - I don't ever want to have to deal with that , and I'm so , so sorry that she has to.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Barb at Treasures from The Heart is having her 100th Post Giveaway on her blog and is creating handmade nests as the prizes - who doesn't like a nest?!
Ok , what is going on with Blogspot today? What IS that in my title lol?
edit: a day or so later: I've deleted the title because it refuses to fix itself , and it looks weird. All future posts may well go without too , who knows. I certainly don't!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Valentine Tin
Kind of surprised myself and finished it lol. This may become part of my wreath , but it ain't over til the fat lady sings , as they say. It may not , I just Never Know. . .
Modest and Shy was she. . .
In the interests of actually posting something , I thought I'd take a quick photo of a little Valentine's vignette I put together. I love these and make one every once in a while just for fun. I love the semi-permanence , and just change them up when I feel like it. In this one , I used an old photo titled 'Modest and Shy was She' , and I've always loved it , the children are so sweet looking :).
I'm still working on three other projects - one being a Valentines wreath , and the other my first altered tin. Not quite sure how either will turn out , but I promise if they both stink I won't show you lol. The third is a talisman necklace - this somehow germinated from all the words people are choosing to define their goals. A word would have been so much easier *mutter mutter*.
Stay tuned , I may choose one after all.
I really want to do something for OWOH - But. I just found out that we're inheriting an entire set of kitchen cabinets about 4 months ahead of schedule , and I happen to work in my kitchen (yes , it's a complete disaster and about all I can say for it is the dishes do get done before I go to work lol). So , we'll see - what I have in mind is fairly simple , but I've decided if I don't get it done next week , I doubt I'll have the chance. My table - ohh *shoot me now* , the table! It would be bad enough just packing up the kitchen - but alllll the art stuff too - it depresses me to no end , just thinking about it.
I'll be curled up in the fetal position sobbing if anybody wants me.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Just popping my head in
to say hello! I've been busy wrapping up a Christmas that ran a bit late (for instance , we just went to the office party last weekend lol), and a sick kid and husband but I have been playing at the table and will have something to share soon.
Something interesting did happen though - I was asked to be in a small group called the Art Angels and it's a bit different , at least to me. We'll be sharing our art and sending little gifts to one another throughout the year - I thought that sounded fairly wonderful , lol. This was Lesley's idea , and I'm looking forward to it. The group includes people I've known for a while and some that are new to me and I think we're all going to enjoy getting to know one another better. And a little gift at the door is just Never a bad thing , is it?
be back soon!